Centos 7 phpmyadmin 403 Forbidden Centos 7 phpmyadmin 403 Forbidden apache apache

Centos 7 phpmyadmin 403 Forbidden

Try like this:

I just had to replace the IP with my IP and Viola!
So i guess just replacing the "Require ip" & "Require ip ::1" with "Require all granted" did the trick.

  <Directory /usr/share/phpMyAdmin/>   AddDefaultCharset UTF-8   <IfModule mod_authz_core.c>     # Apache 2.4     <RequireAny>       #Require ip       #Require ip ::1       Require all granted     </RequireAny>   </IfModule>   <IfModule !mod_authz_core.c>     # Apache 2.2     Order Deny,Allow     Deny from All     Allow from     Allow from ::1   </IfModule></Directory>

Above code you mentioned worked for me

Don't install phpmyadmin with yum . it has lot of bugs to open, try to download from phpmyadmin official website and extract it to your /var/www/html directory and rename the folder to phpmyadmin and restart your httpd service. check now no worries at all.