Compile Apache APR on Windows Compile Apache APR on Windows apache apache

Compile Apache APR on Windows

It's a little late, but here is how I fixed it.

In the build\ makefile change line 221 from

$(SILENT)link $(ALL_LDFLAGS) $*.obj $(API_LIBS) /out:$@ \


$(SILENT)link $(ALL_LDFLAGS) $*.obj $(MODRES).obj $(API_LIBS) /out:$@ \

The shared library target will now read:

.c{$(OUTPUT_DIR)}.so:$(SILENT)cl $(ALL_CFLAGS) /Fo$*.obj /Yuiconv.h /c $<$(SILENT)link $(ALL_LDFLAGS) $*.obj $(MODRES).obj $(API_LIBS) /out:$@ \    /base:@"..\build\BaseAddr.ref",$(@F)$(SILENT)if exist $@.manifest \    $(SILENT)mt -nologo -manifest $@.manifest -outputresource:$@;2 \    & del "$@.manifest"$(SILENT)del "$*.exp" & del "$*.lib"


From the apache-apr project site under heading:

Developer Studio Workspace/Microsoft Development Environment IDE Build::

Open the apr-util/aprutil.dsw workspace, and choose either aprutil or libaprutil (for static or dynamic libraries) with the Release or Debug build as the Active Project. aprutil.dsw causes all related projects to be built.

Maybe you overlooked this statement : choose either aprutil or libaprutil as the Active Project...

Then build the active project.