Eclipse and How it Handles JARS -- Odd Case Eclipse and How it Handles JARS -- Odd Case apache apache

Eclipse and How it Handles JARS -- Odd Case

This is a typical case of confusion between build classpath and runtime classpath.

Your build classpath contains references to your Java project (containing the changes to Velocity)... but I bet your runtime classpath holds references to the original Velocity JAR files.

Managing build classpath and runtime classpath in Web projects under Eclipse (the WTP - Web Tools Project) has been going through massive changes over the last few WTP releases. We can guide you through. If you physically added Velocity's JAR files into your WEB-INF/lib, lets start by removing them.

OK, after you remove the Velocity.jar file from WEB-INF/lib, do the following:

  1. Right-click the project, select "Properties".
  2. Go to "Java build path". Select the "projects" tab and make sure that your custom Velocity project (lets call it "MyVelocity") is NOT there.
  3. Still in "Java build path", select the "Libraries" tab and make sure that no Velocity JAR is there either.

By following the steps above, we cleaned your Web-App from any reference whatsoever to MyVelocity (your project) or any other Velocity JAR.

Now comes the fun part. I will instruct you how to correctly "add" Java projects to Web projects as dependencies.

  1. Still in the project's properties, go to Deployment Assembly.
  2. Click "Add".
  3. Select "Project" and then "Next".
  4. Select "MyVelocity" and make sure that the "Web Library Reference" checkbox is checked.
  5. Click "Finish".

Back in the Deployment Assembly dialog, you should now see MyVelocity mapped into WEB-INF/lib/MyVelocity.jar.

Click OK.

What we did by that is to map MyVelocity as a WEB-INF/lib dependency. By doing that, MyVelocity is automatically added to the compile-time build-path as well - so it is very important that you don't add it yourself to the build-path, resulting in duplicate build-path entries.

Everything should work for you now. Let me know if you have any problems.

P.S. these instructions are correct if you're developing a stand-alone WAR project; if your WAR file is a part of an EAR, you may wish (under certain circumstances, for example if MyVelocity is used by other J2EE modules inside the EAR) to map MyVelocity differently, to a common location; if that's the case, let me know and I'll elaborate further.