How can I overwrite a file through Dockerfile in docker container? How can I overwrite a file through Dockerfile in docker container? apache apache

How can I overwrite a file through Dockerfile in docker container?

Drop the file name from the destination:

COPY php5-cgi.conf /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/

The destination is an absolute path (not filename), or a path relative to the work directory, into which the source will be copied inside the destination container.

I just tested following docker file with no problem.

from debian:jessieCOPY debian_version /etc/debian_version

As PolarisUser stated in comments, you need to put debian_version in the same folder as dockerfile or use absolute path.Another way would be mounting the file when running the container.

docker run -d -v php5-cgi.conf:/etc/apache2/conf-enabled/php5-cgi.conf --name your_container_name <imagename:tag> <startup command>

docker cp "yourfilename" "containername":/destination

Below is a working example:

docker cp config.json bigdataapp:/app/src/bigdatapp/wwwroot/assets/config/config.json