How do I create a VirtualHost on Zend Server? How do I create a VirtualHost on Zend Server? apache apache

How do I create a VirtualHost on Zend Server?

I have the same problem. Try to add a host to zend.conf oradd

Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf                   

to htppd.conf

You can add a new vhost by adding the directives to a new file:


Replace [my-site] with whatever you want (no spaces).

Then, be sure you restart apache:

sudo /path/to/zend/bin/apachectl restart

I had similar issue when trying to add own sites. Solution for me was to comment both vhost examples in vhosts file and also uncomment or add the localhost 

into hosts file in %windir%/system32/drivers/etc folder

... ofcourse if you need to uncomment vhost_alias module and include for httpd-vhosts file..