How do I make cfimage work with ColdFusion 10 on Apache? How do I make cfimage work with ColdFusion 10 on Apache? apache apache

How do I make cfimage work with ColdFusion 10 on Apache?

After much trial and error and looking at the post on Ben Nadel's site, I finally got this working. I decided to put this in the mod_jk.conf file that the CF10 install creates so I could keep all the cf specific stuff together. At the bottom of the file I added an alias and set the permissions on the location as so:

Alias /CFFileServlet "/Applications/ColdFusion10/cfusion/tmpCache/CFFileServlet"<Directory "/Applications/ColdFusion10/cfusion/tmpCache/CFFileServlet">  Options Indexes FollowSymLinks  AllowOverride None  Order allow,deny  Allow from all</Directory>

After doing that, all my images lit right up.

I'm going to mark this entry as the answer since it has the details about how to get this working, but I'll award the bounty to Kevin for pointing me in the right direction. Thanks Kevin!

If using VirtualHosts in Apache you need to use the JkMountCopy directive. See the Apache Tomcat Connector documentation, particularly the JkMountCopy directive.

CF10 on Ubuntu 12.10 with Apache cfimage was showing blank page, added the following to "/etc/apache2/mod_jk.conf".

Alias /CFFileServlet "/opt/coldfusion10/cfusion/tmpCache/CFFileServlet"<Directory "/opt/coldfusion10/cfusion/tmpCache/CFFileServlet/">Options Indexes FollowSymLinksAllowOverride NoneOrder allow,denyAllow from all</Directory>

Then restarted Apache, cfimage writeToBrowser working now.