How do you htdigest 400 user accounts? How do you htdigest 400 user accounts? apache apache

How do you htdigest 400 user accounts?

You can also check out the python script that trac distributes on their website for htdigest passwords, you can then automate it:

Generating htdigest passwords without Apache

They also suggest something along these lines will work:

It is possible to use md5sum utility to generate digest-password file using such method:

$ printf "${user}:trac:${password}" | md5sum - >>user.htdigest

and manually delete " -" from the end and add "${user}:trac:" to the start of line from 'to-file'.

I have tested this on FreeBSD, not sure if this will work on Linux or Windows, so you may need to modify it a little:

(echo -n "user:realm:" && echo -n "user:realm:testing" | md5) > outfile

outfile contains:


Same thing with htdigest:

htdigest -c outfile2 realm user

output in outfile2


They are both the same, thereby proving correctness of the command line implementation!

(Aside: On unix/linux the first one should be:

echo password | htdigest -c realm username$1


As htdigest doesn't have any nice way to pass the password in, I would use expect to automate the process.

An example from

#!/usr/bin/expect##########################################$ file:$ desc: Automated htpasswd shell script##########################################$#$ usage example:#$#$ ./ passwdpath username userpass#$######################################set htpasswdpath [lindex $argv 0]set username [lindex $argv 1]set userpass [lindex $argv 2]# spawn the htpasswd command processspawn htpasswd $htpasswdpath $username# Automate the 'New password' Procedureexpect "New password:"send "$userpass\r"expect "Re-type new password:"send "$userpass\r"

It's left as an exercise to the user to convert this for Windows if required.

Here is a script that will read in a list of user names, generate a random password for each, and output them to both an htdigest file, and a plain text file. It has been tested on Linux, but may need to be modified for other systems. In particular, md5sum may be md5, and head does always accept the -c flag.

#!/bin/bash# auth realm for digest authAUTH_REALM=MyRealm# file locations# a file containing a list of user names,# one name per line, e.g.,# $ cat users.txt# joe# curly# larryUSER_FILE=users.txt# htdigest file, needs to existHTDIGEST_FILE=passwd.htdigest# insecure password filePASSWD_FILE=passwd.txt# read the names from the user filewhile read username  do  # generate a pseudo-random password  rand_pw=`< /dev/urandom tr -dc _A-Z-a-z-0-9 | head -c8`  # hash the username, realm, and password  htdigest_hash=`printf $username:$AUTH_REALM:$rand_pw | md5sum -`  # build an htdigest appropriate line, and tack it onto the file  echo "$username:$AUTH_REALM:${htdigest_hash:0:32}" >> $HTDIGEST_FILE  # put the username and password in plain text  # clearly, this is terribly insecure, but good for  # testing and importing  echo "$username:$rand_pw" >> $PASSWD_FILEdone < $USER_FILE

This is what the input and results look like, first the user names file:

$ cat users.txt joecurlylarry

Running the script:

$ ./load_users.bash 

The resulting htdigest file:

$ cat passwd.htdigestjoe:MyRealm:2603a6c581f336f2874dbdd253aee780curly:MyRealm:fd3f9d87bba654439d5ba1f32c0286a8larry:MyRealm:c1c3c0dc50a9b97e9f7ee582e3fce892

And the plain text file:

$ cat passwd.txt joe:aLnqnrv0curly:3xWxHKmvlarry:7v7m6mXY