How to allow writing to files via Apache and WebDAV How to allow writing to files via Apache and WebDAV apache apache

How to allow writing to files via Apache and WebDAV

So it seems that I can allow access to specific files using the below

<Files .htaccess> order allow,deny deny from all</Files>

I forgot that .htaccess files are blocked over HTTP by default.


The final working setup, to make all files writeable in the webdav environment, with Digest secure authentication is:

<VirtualHost *:80>        ServerAdmin xxx        ServerName        DocumentRoot xxx        <Directory xxx>                Options Indexes MultiViews                AllowOverride None                Order allow,deny                allow from all        </Directory>        <FilesMatch "\.(htaccess|php)$">        Order allow,deny        allow from all        ForceType text/plain    </FilesMatch>        <Location />                DAV On                AuthType Digest                AuthName "Webdav Access"        AuthDigestDomain /        AuthDigestProvider file                AuthUserFile /data/www/digest.users                Require valid-user        php_value engine off        </Location></VirtualHost>

I hope this helps someone else. It took days to find all this info out on the web.

Also check the permissions of /data/www/ itself. It should be writable for the apache user.