How to enable mod_info in Apache? How to enable mod_info in Apache? apache apache

How to enable mod_info in Apache?

There should be a that must be on a path Apache 2 can find. For example, I have:

kdp@darwin ccl $ locate

Then, I have these in my httpd.conf:

ServerRoot "/usr/lib64/apache2"LoadModule info_module modules/

This is made available by a snippet in /etc/apache2/modules.d/00_mod_info.conf:

<IfDefine INFO># Allow remote server configuration reports, with the URL of# http://servername/server-info<Location /server-info>    SetHandler server-info    Order deny,allow    Deny from all    Allow from</Location></IfDefine>

(The IfDefine is only needed because of the way stuff is set up on Gentoo.)

Check if info_module is loaded.

% /usr/local/sbin/httpd -t -D DUMP_MODULES | grep info_module

If it is not loaded, add following line to httpd.conf. Note that path/to must be replaced with appropriate path.

LoadModule info_module path/to/

I got the solution.

  1. When I check ./apachectl -l, mod_info has not been installed.

  2. To install the Mod_info or any module, First Compile and install Apache by ./configure --enable-info make make install

    More info for install module :

  3. Check ./apachectl -l, mod_info would be there in the list

  4. Enable server-info by updating httpd.conf

  5. invoke url

One thing I am not sure why apache mod_info not installed default installation.