How to make changes to httpd.conf of apache running inside DOCKER container and restart apache How to make changes to httpd.conf of apache running inside DOCKER container and restart apache apache apache

How to make changes to httpd.conf of apache running inside DOCKER container and restart apache

No need to attach or exec (which is really a debug feature anyway)

You can use docker cp to copy a local version of your httpd.conf to the container. (That way, you can modify the file from the comfort of your local environment)

docker cp httpd.conf <yourcontainer_name>:/path/to/httpd.conf

Once that is done, you can send an USR1 signal to ask for a graceful restart (see docker kill syntax):

docker kill --signal="USR1" <yourcontainer_name>

Replace <yourcontainer_name> by the container id or name which is running Apache.

That will only work if the main process launched by your container is

CMD ["apachectl", "-DFOREGROUND"]

See more at "Docker: How to restart a service running in Docker Container"

Enter a container by opening a bash shell:

docker exec -it containerName bash

I guess you better just reload apache config and not reboot apache.But I wouldn't go this route and just modify Dockerfile and rebuild and rerun the image.

edit for link:

To update Apache configs you need to:

  1. Replace Apache configs.

    • If you have config folder mapped from outside of container you should update configs outside of container.

    • If your apache configs are stored inside of container, you will need to run something like this:

      docker cp httpd.conf YOUR_CONTAINER_NAME:/path/to/httpd.conf
  2. Do Graceful Apache restart:

    sudo docker exec -it YOUR_CONTAINER_NAME apachectl graceful