How to prevent EasyPHP DevServer 16 to add prefix 'edsa' for alias How to prevent EasyPHP DevServer 16 to add prefix 'edsa' for alias apache apache

How to prevent EasyPHP DevServer 16 to add prefix 'edsa' for alias

It seems to be hardcoded in a code (...), but fortunately the code is in php, so you can just edit it out and be OK (until the update I guess).Go to the eds-dashboard subdirectory and edit the index.php file.

In the current version (17), the code is on the line 95:

$new_alias[0]['alias_name'] = 'edsa-' . $_POST['alias_name'];

Just remove the silly part from it

$new_alias[0]['alias_name'] = $_POST['alias_name'];

save the file and you should be done.

Tested on windows

Thank you for this solution which works like a charm!

One should also alter the line 511 in order to print the name of the alias properly in the dashboard. Otherwise, by default, the PHP script removes the 5 first characters, which are supposed to be "edsa-".

Change :

<?php echo wordwrap(substr($alias['alias_name'],5), 20, "<br />", true); ?>


<?php echo wordwrap(substr($alias['alias_name'],0), 20, "<br />", true); ?>

Tested on Dev Server 17 for Windows.

I would also replace the html part of the page, changing:

<p style="color:silver;padding-left:25px;"><b>Note</b>: the prefix 'edsa-' will be added to the name in order to avoid any conflict.</p>


<!--p style="color:silver;padding-left:25px;"><b>Note</b>: the prefix 'edsa-' will be added to the name in order to avoid any conflict.</p-->

And two lines after that:

<span class="input-group-addon input-sm">edsa-</span>


<span class="input-group-addon input-sm"><!-- edsa- --></span>