how to put nodejs and apache in the same port 80 how to put nodejs and apache in the same port 80 apache apache

how to put nodejs and apache in the same port 80

I do this via node.js proxy..

Install http-proxy with npm or official page


var http = require('http'),httpProxy = require('http-proxy'),proxyServer = httpProxy.createServer ({    hostnameOnly: true,    router: {        '':       '',        '':     '',        '':        ''    }});proxyServer.listen(80);

This creates a node process listening to port 80, and forwarding requests for domains which go to :81,82,83 etc. I recommend running this with forever and adding an entry to init.d so your proxy is up in case system shuts down.

You can also use Apache 2's mod_proxy and mod_proxy_http, which might be more reliable or perform better depending on your system.

Here's an example:

Firstly run below command to proxy to allow

sudo a2enmod proxysudo a2enmod proxy_httpsudo a2enmod proxy_balancersudo a2enmod proxy_balancersudo a2enmod lbmethod_byrequests# Use Apache for requests to but use Node.js for requests to<VirtualHost *:80>    ServerName    DocumentRoot /var/www/example/    <Location /node>        ProxyPass        ProxyPassReverse    </Location></VirtualHost>

And of course you can modify the directives to your needs, such as using a different port for your virtual host (e.g., 443), different port for Node.js, or set up the proxy under a different block, such as for a subdomain (e.g.,

I've personally done this the other way round from @liammclennan. Some suggest that proxying through Apache defeats some of the performance and scalability advantages of Node (don't have experience myself as my server doesn't get that much traffic, but from @liammclennan's link: "Every request that comes in through Apache will cause an Apache thread to wait/block until the response is returned from your Node.js process.", which obviously doesn't mesh well with Node's architecture.)

I used node-http-proxy to set up a Node proxy server roughly as described in the first link (my Node proxy runs on port 80; Apache and my other Node services don't). Seems to be working well so far, though I have had occasional stability problems that I've 'solved' through checking the proxy's still running with a cron job (edit: it seems a lot more stable these days). The proxy's pretty lightweight, taking up about 30MB memory.