How to run Laravel without Artisan? How to run Laravel without Artisan? apache apache

How to run Laravel without Artisan?

I've solved the problem. The problem was in my htaccess and in mod_rewrite (Apache2). Now I can connect to my application only by typing localhost/public..

If anyone wants to make the application public, the more easy and fastest way is:

  • Rename the "server.php" file in root directory, in "index.php"
  • Move your .htaccess from public folder to root directory
  • Make your directory accessible to Apache2 (set correct file/folder permissions).

Thanks to all users for help! :)

Important Edit

Consider using Apache Virtual Hosts (pointing the virtual host to the /public Laravel folder) instead of renaming server.php to index.php because by doing this you will need to prefix "public/" when you use the Laravel's asset() function in your views.

When working with other devs, who are using a different configuration, this might be a big problem because they will be able to see the assets while you will not (or viceversa).

I am using xampp in mac

  1. inside htdocs / run following command:$ laravel new myblog

  2. After successfully creation run following and do following:sudo chmod -R o+w storage/

  3. Change server.php to index.php (@ root directory)

  4. copy .htaccess from public to root directory

  5. (optional) in resources / app.blade.php → Change to<link href="{{ asset('public/css/app.css') }}" rel="stylesheet">

  6. run followinghttp://localhost/myblog/

Easy solution without any code alterations

  • Point your domain to public/ folder of laravel project.
  • Enjoy!


  • Create .htaccess in project folder and add below code. This code will rewrite domain to public/ folder of your laravel project
RewriteEngine onRewriteRule ^(.*)?$ ./public/$1

Hope this is helpful.