I am getting an error httpd dead subsys locked [closed] I am getting an error httpd dead subsys locked [closed] apache apache

I am getting an error httpd dead subsys locked [closed]

http://awaseroot.wordpress.com/2012/06/11/subsys-lock-problem-with-centos-6-2-and-apache/ Kill the httpd process, check the pid file in httpd.conf and then restart httpd this link gives you a detailed insight.

A kinda common issue with Apache server. Since you have not mentioned your exact Linux OS generalised answer would be enough.

The first thing we need to check "httpd service" is running in another process of a different user.

check the http status using another user (root), or run this

sudo service httpd status

You may get the error "httpd dead but subsys locked"


Try to delete lock file

sudo rm -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd


The kill the process

killall -9 httpd

Remove the lock file

sudo rm -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd

Restart the service

sudo service httpd restart

Check your disk space using df -h. If you have a full disk, it can cause this error.