Installing R on Apache Zeppelin Installing R on Apache Zeppelin apache apache

Installing R on Apache Zeppelin

There is currently a bug in the latest HEAD of zeppelin that was recently introduced and prevents the R interpreter from launching cleanly

Did anyone created a Zeppelin Jira Issue for that?

For me it is working on Zeppelin branch-0.6

  1. build Zeppelin with r profile: -DskipTests -Pr
    this will...
    1. create a directory 'R' in git repo root
    2. copy the 'zeppelin-rinterpreter*.jar' into git_repo_root/interpreter/spark
  2. build Zeppelin with build distro profile: e.g. -DskipTests -Pbuild-distr -Pspark-1.6 -Phadoop-2.6
  3. use zeppelin-distribution/target/zeppelin*.tar.gz for installation
  4. ensure both 1.1 and 1.2 are present in your zeppelin installation

The error you're getting is that you need to have the R package evaluate installed. You can install this simply by launching R and typing install.packages('evaluate').

That said, your excerpt mentions the directory Zeppelin-with-R. That's my repo, which is the R interpreter in the form when it was accepted into Zeppelin. That is version 0.5.6, not 0.6.0. There is currently a bug in the latest HEAD of zeppelin that was recently introduced and prevents the R interpreter from launching cleanly. Your best bet for now is to use the one from my repo and install clean, without trying to pull-in from Zeppelin HEAD.