Multiple Domains to One Virtual Host | Wildcard Host (shared hosting)? Multiple Domains to One Virtual Host | Wildcard Host (shared hosting)? apache apache

Multiple Domains to One Virtual Host | Wildcard Host (shared hosting)?

I think you have answered your own question, the options open to you are

  • Add ServerAlias entries to the vhost config, via whatever means available to you
  • Ensure the default virtual host on the target IP is the one which handles your site

  1. If you use a CNAME (or indeed an A record pointing to the same IP address) then you must, as Paul says, either have ServerAlias entries in httpd.conf, or point them at the default virtual host

  2. If you can't do that, host 19 of the domain names at some other web host, and then use HTTP redirect to get users to the "preferred" domain name. However if you do this then the domain name will change in the user's address bar.