multiple php on apache centos multiple php on apache centos apache apache

multiple php on apache centos

Several notices from me:

  1. yum install php php-cli mod_fastcgi is not correct. mod_php should not be enabled. also mod_fastcgi can be installed without external repository using mod_fcgid
  2. For PHP 5.2 and libxml>=1.2.9 you have to apply this patch libxml29_compat.patch
  3. to set php version for all host without mod_php enabled add this to httpd.conf

    <Directory "/var/www">    Options All +ExecCGI    AddHandler php-cgi .php    Action php-cgi /cgi-bin/php.fastcgi.5.5.18</Directory>
  4. when compiling on 64bit systems the compilation fails because of lib64 folder so you should add --with-libdir=lib64 to configoptions