Mysql mistake when adding a table so a script Mysql mistake when adding a table so a script apache apache

Mysql mistake when adding a table so a script

You have to use the ` - This will treat the string passed as the actual table name and not a bunch of commands you want to execute.

root@summary:reports> drop table `xd_2012_02_\ ua`;

This should show:

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

I would recommend to use the ` not only for this case, but also that will prevent errors if you use reserved MySQL words like type or desc (as description) for columns or table names. This might save you headaches later. Although, using reserved or special characters is not a good practice, but that's just me.

use this syntax:

drop table \`xd_2012_02 ua\`;

this should work with the space