netbeans shows "Waiting For Connection (netbeans-xdebug)" netbeans shows "Waiting For Connection (netbeans-xdebug)" apache apache

netbeans shows "Waiting For Connection (netbeans-xdebug)"

Have you rectified the issue ? If not then please try this.

1.) php.ini file content

[xDebug]zend_extension = "c:\xampp\php\ext\php_xdebug-2.2.3-5.4-vc9.dll"xdebug.remote_autostart=onxdebug.remote_enable=onxdebug.remote_enable=1xdebug.remote_handler="dbgp";xdebug.remote_host="localhost:81"xdebug.remote_host=;xdebug.remote_connect_back=1xdebug.remote_port=9000xdebug.remote_mode=reqxdebug.idekey="netbeans-xdebug"

xdebug.remote_host= - This is the IPv4 address of my system, I changed to this because I couldn't debug with localhost and

in NetBeans IDE, open Tools-> Options -> PHP -> Debugging. The values of debugger port and Session Id should match with the port and idekey specified in php.ini.

Now save php.ini, restart Apache and try to debug.

Thanks Johnson

When Netbeans starts a Debugging session, it starts two Listeners, one on (all IPv4 IPs the system has), and the other on the IPv6 interface.

If Netbeans and the Web Server are on the same system, ideally XDebug would be configured to send the data back to, on which NetBeans would be listening on (and only per session)...


If for whatever reason XDebug is not able to report back to, or Netbeans is not listening on, you can configure XDebug to send the data back to the $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] of the original request...


This way you don't have to specify the exact IP (i.e., as in the above answer the LAN IP: The downside here is that any source can connect.

If you have further trouble, this...


... will also start the debugging process for all requests, and not just for the ones with the proper session start query or cookie. The downside here is that all requests will initiate debug data collection and reporting back (making everything slower, and generating more data).

Though from what I've gathered, the majority of these "Waiting For Connection (netbeans-xdebug)" issues on Windows (with XAMPP, Wamp-Server, etc) are usually a result of Windows Firewall and McAfee (or other firewall and anti-virus software) blocking the connection...

Source: Netbeans "Waiting For Connection (netbeans-xdebug)" Issue

I am a .Net programmer and very new to PHP.Recently I was trying to host an open source PHP application on my machine(Windows). After the Struggle for 5-6 days I will list the steps which worked for me.

I uninstalled every previous installations of XAMPP and NetBeans and proceeded with fresh installations.

This might not be the solution for everyone but it worked for me and I hope it helps someone.

  1. install XAMPP

  2. install netbeans for PHP.

  3. Open IIS and stop it. It is running on port 80 by default.(I am running XAMPP on port 80 i.e. default, Running on other port might need additional configuration settings)

  4. Open XAMPP control panel and start Apache. If port 80 is free no problem should arise.

  5. Open localhost in browser in should display XAMPP home page.

  6. open phpinfo() link on the left pane and copy all the contents on page.Go to: and paste all the content in TextBox and click Analyze my phpinfo output. It will diplay you the Xdebug file suitable for your configuration.

  7. Download the given Xdebug dll and copy it in C:\xampp\php\ext (Xampp being the default Xampp installation directory)

  8. Goto XAMPP control panel, click on Config button in front of Apache and select,

  9. Find line similar or exacly like,

;zend_extension = "C:\xampp\php\ext\php_xdebug.dll"

(Semicolon means it is commented)

Remove the semicolon and replace the path with the path of dll you just copied like:

zend_extension = "C:\xampp\php\ext\php_xdebug-2.3.2-5.4-vc9.dll"
  1. Similarly find lines

    ;xdebug.remote_enable = 0;xdebug.remote_handler = "dbgp"

remove semicolons in front of both lines and make remote_enable = 1

xdebug.remote_enable = 1xdebug.remote_handler = "dbgp"
  1. Restart Apache server.

  2. Copy your website code under C:/XAMPP/htdocs/(your_website)/that means your index.php should be at C:/XAMPP/htdocs/(your_website)/index.php

  3. Open Netbeans select New project -> PHP -> PHP project from existing source and select the folder you just copied in htdocs folder.Set it to run on Local web server.

  4. Set a breakpoint on first line of index.php and debug.

That's it.

Additional settings were suggested on various different posts but above mentioned steps worked perfectly for me.