nginx rewrite rule under a subdirectory nginx rewrite rule under a subdirectory apache apache

nginx rewrite rule under a subdirectory

try to use this, and please don't forget to replace root path!

location /main/ {   root /full/path/from/root/main/;   try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args;}

I've set wordpress on my host in folder /main and got it's working with next settings:

location /main {        index index.php;        try_files $uri $uri/ /main/index.php?q=$uri;}root /path/to/webroot;

location ^~ /main {    root /var/www/;    index index.php;    try_files $uri $uri/ /main/index.php;    location ~ \.php$ {        try_files $uri =404;        include fastcgi_params;        fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;        fastcgi_pass   unix:/run/php/php8.0-fpm.sock;    }}

You need to change the php8.0 to your current PHP version in use and the root /var/www/ to your root directory where the subdirectory main comes after subdirectory Wordpress.