PHP PDO extension not available is command line PHP PDO extension not available is command line apache apache

PHP PDO extension not available is command line

When running php from the command line, you can use the -c or --php-ini argument to point to the php.ini file to use. This will allow you to use one php.ini file for both. You can also alias php to php -c/path/to/php.ini if you are running the script yourself.

All web server install should you be in linux or windows usually use 2 different php.ini. One for the CLI (Command line client) and one for APACHE or wathever the server is in easyphp.

I can't help you more than that since i'm on linux and don't use EasyPHP, but look in that direction, maybe a system wide search can help you out?

I found the solution to the problem. As Mathieu Dumoulin pointed out, PHP has loads a different .ini for CLI. So what I did was create a php-cli.ini file under php folder and the problem was solved.