Process Uploaded file on web server without storing locally first? Process Uploaded file on web server without storing locally first? apache apache

Process Uploaded file on web server without storing locally first?

It is possible to use NodeJS/Multiparty to do that. Here they have an example of a direct upload to Amazon S3. This is the form, which sets content type to multipart/form-data. And here is the function for form parts processing. part parameter is of type ReadableStream, which will allow per-chunk processing of the input using data event.

More on readable streams in node js is here.

If you really want that (sorry don`t think thats a good idea) you should try looking for a FUSE Filesystem which does your job.

Maybe there is already one

Or you should write your own.

But remember as soon as the upload is completed and the post script finishes his job the temp file will be deleted

you can upload file with html5 resumable upload tools (like Resumable.js) and process uploaded parts as soon as they received.

or as a workaround , you may find the path of uploaded file (usually in /tmp) and then write a background job to stream it to 3rd app. it may be harder.

there may be other solutions...