Send Unicode characters via MultipartEntity Send Unicode characters via MultipartEntity apache apache

Send Unicode characters via MultipartEntity

I solved it a different way, using:

builder.addTextBody(key, שלום, ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN.withCharset("UTF-8"));

You can use below line for add part in multipart entity

entity.addPart("Data", new StringBody(data,Charset.forName("UTF-8")));

to send unicode in request.

To the ones who stuck with this issue, this is how I resolved it:

I investigated apache http components libraries source code and found following:

org.apache.http.entity.mime.HttpMultipart::doWriteTo()case BROWSER_COMPATIBLE:    // Only write Content-Disposition    // Use content charset    final MinimalField cd = part.getHeader().getField(MIME.CONTENT_DISPOSITION);    writeField(cd, this.charset, out);    final String filename = part.getBody().getFilename();    if (filename != null) {        final MinimalField ct = part.getHeader().getField(MIME.CONTENT_TYPE);        writeField(ct, this.charset, out);    }    break;

So, seems like it is some kind of bug / feature in apache lib, which only allowes to add Content-type header to one part of MultipartEntity, if this part has filename not null. So I modified my code as:

Charset utf8 = Charset.forName("utf-8");ContentType contentType = ContentType.create(ContentType.TEXT_PLAIN.getMimeType(), utf8);ContentBody body = new ByteArrayBody(mMessage.getBytes(), contentType, "filename");mpEntity.addPart("message", body);

And Content-type header appeared for string part, and symbols are now encoded and decoded correctly.