Stop password prompt on MAMP startup Stop password prompt on MAMP startup apache apache

Stop password prompt on MAMP startup

I've put together an app that allows you to start/stop MAMP's Apache and MySQL without the password request, even on port 80. It stores the password in Keychain, so you only need to enter it once. It has a nice icon too!


According to a living-e rep they are considering adding an option to store the password in the keychain:

Update: I pestered Living-e support and got them to add it as a feature request to their bug tracker. The link is here: (requires registration) if you want to follow it.

Another update: Still following this issue. Looks like living-e moved their bug tracker, the new link to this issue is:

It's in German but the Google translation is:

When will start and stop the server ineach case the admin password isrequired if port is used as low-1024thIf we could get the password from theOS X Keychain / keyring, allowedthemselves to avoid annoying popupads.

Or a German speaker's translation is:

When the Server starts/stops it will ask for the admin password each time.If it could get the password from OS X Keychain / Keyring, the annoying popup could be avoided.

As found on Macworld and already mentioned by Tom in the other answer there is a way with applescript! Downside is you have to save your user credentials in plain text.

  1. Open AppleScript Editor
  2. Enter the following code replacing YOURPASSWORD and YOURUSERNAME with your user credentials
  3. Save it as application. You might tick run-only to prevent other users from reading the plain text as a small security measure
do shell script "/Applications/MAMP/bin/ &" password "YOURPASSWORD" user name "YOURUSERNAME" with administrator privilegesdo shell script "/Applications/MAMP/bin/ > /dev/null 2>&1"

There might be an issue with the correct file path as MAMP apparently changed to in some version, so double check if it's not working!

You can put the new application in the Login Items (System Preferences -> Users & Groups -> Login Items), so the Apache server and MySQL start automatically without even showing up the MAMP-App at startup (silent start).