svn: Repository moved temporarily to 'main'; please relocate svn: Repository moved temporarily to 'main'; please relocate apache apache

svn: Repository moved temporarily to 'main'; please relocate

svn: Repository moved temporarily to 'something'; please relocate

It is a lame misconfiguration issue! You probably use dav_svn module to access your SVN repository. And there is global redirection on the ErrorDocument directive in your web server config. You should override this setting for the SVN repository section in the dav_svn config.

Edit the following file: /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dav_svn.conf, add the directive "ErrorDocument 404 default" between Location lines. It does the trick. My config can be an example for you:

<Location /svn>  DAV svn  SVNPath /var/svn-repos/svn  AuthType Basic  AuthName "Subversion Repository"  AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/dav_svn.passwd  Require valid-user  SSLRequireSSL  ErrorDocument 404 default</Location>

And reload the web server config with the following command:

/etc/init.d/apache2 reload

If you are getting this exception while fetching it from a client, either a command line client or tigris, it may be the url pattern. For example, will work if you replace viewvc with svnroot such as

According to this thread, there seems to be a pre-commit hook that sends this message (btw this is the first hit when I ask google for svn Repository moved temporarily to 'main').

Unless you added this hook (assuming you're the only administrator of, you might be in serious trouble...

On the other hand, it could also be an apache configuration issue. In that case, I assume that my linked thread will help you too.