The command "platforms\android\cordova\clean.bat" exited with code 2 The command "platforms\android\cordova\clean.bat" exited with code 2 apache apache

The command "platforms\android\cordova\clean.bat" exited with code 2

In Visual Studio 2015, Menu: Tools => Options => Tools for Apache Cordova => Environment Variable Overrides set the correct ADT_HOME and JAVA_HOME.

Also Clean Cordova cache from the Cordova Tools. Then open and debug your project.

I ended in a similar issue when I installed the VS.Net2015 and tried to create a blank Cordova project and compile. I did try a lot of different things including reinstalling Android Studio and VS but none helped.

Finally what it boiled down to was that I had a 64Bit OS an installed a 32bit JDK which somehow didn't work well together. Downloaded the 64Bit JDK and corrected the Path in visual studio and now its working.


I got the solution to it and fixed my issue.

Problem is you got set the Enviromnent path in your system properly

1 . Make sure you install JAVA and ANT2 . Make sure you set the JAVA_HOME AND ANT_HOME along with the updated PATH in the System variable.

Restart your studio. this issue would be gone. njoy. :)