Why is my folder not being visible to the web? or upload-able? Why is my folder not being visible to the web? or upload-able? apache apache

Why is my folder not being visible to the web? or upload-able?

I suspect you've messed up the permissions on the directory. You probably want to do:

# chmod 757 /var/www/images# chmod 644 /var/www/images/*.*

to allow the nobody/apache webserver user to access them

This is a permissions related probably most certainly. I suggest you chmod your:

  • files to 0644 (or 0666 if Apache is not running as the same [FTP] user)
  • directories to 0755 (or 0777 if Apache is not running as the same [FTP] user)

This way they will always be executable and you have further write permissions from within your scripts.