Will a Lisp dialect that works with Apache Tomcat? Will a Lisp dialect that works with Apache Tomcat? apache apache

Will a Lisp dialect that works with Apache Tomcat?

You can set up a Clojure/Java HTTP server (Jetty, etc.) running on some port, then use Apache's mod_proxy to forward certain requests from Apache to Clojure on that port. Something like this in your Apache configs:

    ProxyPass /static !    ProxyPass /cgi-bin !    ProxyPass / http://localhost:8080/    ProxyPassReverse / http://localhost:8080/

So Apache will send every request to your Clojure app on port 8080 except requests to things in /static and /cgi-bin, which Apache will handle itself.

Hunchentoot, a web server in/for Common Lisp, can also be used behind Apache, through mod_lisp2.