XAMPP and WAMP in the LAMP, what's the best? [closed] XAMPP and WAMP in the LAMP, what's the best? [closed] apache apache

XAMPP and WAMP in the LAMP, what's the best? [closed]

I like XAMPP, personally. I have an install running on a thumbdrive that I carry around that's pretty much my development environment for LAMP web dev on any machine I happen to be at (I'm mostly on Windows client machines).

Small, fully-functional, and stable - works really well for my needs.

I like WAMP the best, real simple interface and I can easily switch between different versions of PHP 5.26/4.44/4.3.9, MySQL 5/4, and Apache 2/1.3

XAMPP is good for development and portability, that's for sure.

LAMP is best for performance and security (and ubiquity).

WAMP...well, that's for if you don't want to learn Linux, I guess.