auto_ptr for arrays auto_ptr for arrays arrays arrays

auto_ptr for arrays


std::vector<BYTE> buffer(cbType);pType = (WM_MEDIA_TYPE*)&buffer[0];

or since C++11

std::vector<BYTE> buffer(cbType);pType = (WM_MEDIA_TYPE*);


Additional:If someone is asking if the Vectors are guaranteed to be contiguous the answer is Yes since C++ 03 standard. There is another thread that already discussed it.

If C++11 is supported by your compiler, unique_ptr can be used for arrays.

unique_ptr<BYTE[]> buffer(new BYTE[cbType]);pType = (WM_MEDIA_TYPE*)buffer.get();

boost scoped_array or you can use boost scoped_ptr with a custom deleter

There is nothing for this in the current std library. However, the future standard C++0x has an unique_ptr, which comes in replacement of auto_ptr, and which works with arrays.

A first implementation can be found here:unique_ptr