Bash capturing output of awk into array Bash capturing output of awk into array arrays arrays

Bash capturing output of awk into array

Add additional parentheses, like this:

myarr=($(ps -u kdride | awk '{ print $1 }'))# Now access elements of an array (change "1" to whatever you want)echo ${myarr[1]}# Or loop through every element in the arrayfor i in "${myarr[@]}"do   :  echo $idone

See also bash — Arrays.

Use Bash's builtin mapfile (or its synonym readarray)

mapfile -t -s 1 myarr < <(ps -u myusername | awk '{print $1}')

At least in GNU/Linux you can format output of ps, so no need for awk and -s 1

mapfile -t myarr < <(ps -u myusername -o pid=)