Best method for sum two arrays [closed] Best method for sum two arrays [closed] arrays arrays

Best method for sum two arrays [closed]

a simple approach could be

$c = array_map(function () {    return array_sum(func_get_args());}, $a, $b);print_r($c);

Or if you could use PHP5.6, you could also use variadic functions like this

$c = array_map(function (...$arrays) {    return array_sum($arrays);}, $a, $b);print_r($c);


Array(    [0] => 11    [1] => 22    [2] => 16    [3] => 18    [4] => 3)

Try like

$c = array();foreach (array_keys($a + $b) as $key) {    $c[$key] = $a[$key] + $b[$key];}

There's no way you can do that without the "foreach" as you asked for, you need to loop on both arrays to get the respective values.

A function using the foreach would be :

function sum_arrays($array1, $array2) {    $array = array();    foreach($array1 as $index => $value) {        $array[$index] = isset($array2[$index]) ? $array2[$index] + $value : $value;    }    return $array;}

Now you just need to do :

$c = sum_arrays($a, $b);