C++ [] array operator with multiple arguments? C++ [] array operator with multiple arguments? arrays arrays

C++ [] array operator with multiple arguments?

Nope, you can't overload operator[] to accept multiple arguments. You instead can overload operator(). See How do I create a subscript operator for a Matrix class? from the C++ FAQ.

It is not possible to overload the [] operator to accept multiple arguments, but an alternative is to use the proxy pattern.

In two words: a[x][y], the first expression (a[x]) would return a different type, named proxy type, which would have another operator[]. It would call something like _storedReferenceToOriginalObject->At(x,y) of the original class.

You will not be able to do a[x,y], but I guess you wanted to overload the usual C++-style 2D array syntax anyway.

There's a nice little trick you can do with the uniform initialization syntax available in C++11. Instead of taking the index directly, you take a POD.

struct indices{  std::size_t i, j, k;};T& operator[](indices idx){  return m_cells[idx.k * m_resSqr + idx.j * m_res + idx.i];}

And then use the new syntax:

my_array<int> arr;// ...arr[{1, 2, 3}] = 42;