C# Parsing JSON array of objects C# Parsing JSON array of objects arrays arrays

C# Parsing JSON array of objects

Though this is an old question, I thought I'd post my answer anyway, if that helps someone in future

 JArray array = JArray.Parse(jsonString); foreach (JObject obj in array.Children<JObject>()) {     foreach (JProperty singleProp in obj.Properties())     {         string name = singleProp.Name;         string value = singleProp.Value.ToString();         //Do something with name and value         //System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("name is "+name+" and value is "+value);      } }

This solution uses Newtonsoft library, don't forget to include using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;

Use newtonsoft like so:

using System.Collections.Generic;using System.Linq;using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;class Program{    static void Main()    {        string json = "{'results':[{'SwiftCode':'','City':'','BankName':'Deutsche    Bank','Bankkey':'10020030','Bankcountry':'DE'},{'SwiftCode':'','City':'10891    Berlin','BankName':'Commerzbank Berlin (West)','Bankkey':'10040000','Bankcountry':'DE'}]}";        var resultObjects = AllChildren(JObject.Parse(json))            .First(c => c.Type == JTokenType.Array && c.Path.Contains("results"))            .Children<JObject>();        foreach (JObject result in resultObjects) {            foreach (JProperty property in result.Properties()) {                // do something with the property belonging to result            }        }    }    // recursively yield all children of json    private static IEnumerable<JToken> AllChildren(JToken json)    {        foreach (var c in json.Children()) {            yield return c;            foreach (var cc in AllChildren(c)) {                yield return cc;            }        }    }}

Use NewtonSoft JSON.Net library.

dynamic obj = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonString);

Hope this helps.