Create a comma-separated string from a single column of an array of objects Create a comma-separated string from a single column of an array of objects arrays arrays

Create a comma-separated string from a single column of an array of objects


$resultstr = array();foreach ($results as $result) {  $resultstr[] = $result->name;}echo implode(",",$resultstr);

1. Concat to string but add | before

$s = '';foreach ($results as $result) {     if ($s) $s .= '|';    $s .= $result->name; }echo $s;

2. Echo | only if not last item

$s = '';$n = count($results);foreach ($results as $i => $result) {     $s .= $result->name;    if (($i+1) != $n) $s .= '|';}echo $s;

3. Load to array and then implode

$s = array();foreach ($results as $result) {     $s[] = $result->name;}echo implode('|', $s);

4. Concat to string then cut last | (or rtrim it)

$s = '';foreach ($results as $result) {     $s .= $result->name . '|';}echo substr($s, 0, -1); # or # echo rtrim($s, '|');

5. Concat string using array_map()

echo implode('|', array_map(function($result) { return $result->name; }, $results));

$result_names = '';foreach($results as $result){    $result_names .= $result->name.',';}echo rtrim($result_names, ',');