Create an associative array in php with dynamic key and value Create an associative array in php with dynamic key and value arrays arrays

Create an associative array in php with dynamic key and value

You are way over-complicating this problem. This can be done simply, with fewer loops.

First, you only need to run the SQL once. Second, build the array in the 1st loop.

$sql = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM monthly_salary');$associativeArray = array();while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){   // Put the values into the array, no other variables needed   $associativeArray[$row['month']] = $row['salary'];}foreach($associativeArray as $k => $id){    echo $k."=>".$id;}

Why don't you just do:

$associativeArray = array();while($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)){    $associativeArray[$row['month']] = $row['salary'];}

Following worked for me for creating associative array. array_push don't work on associative array but using unary operator does work:

$associativeArray += [$key => $value];