Deep copying array of nested objects in javascript [duplicate] Deep copying array of nested objects in javascript [duplicate] arrays arrays

Deep copying array of nested objects in javascript [duplicate]

You have two main options:

  1. Use JSON.stringify and JSON.parse:

    var copy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(original));

    But I've never liked that. A round-trip through text is inefficient at best, and it won't handle Date, RegExp, undefined, etc. values correctly unless you write a replacer and a reviver.

  2. Use a recursive function, something like this:

var toString = Object.prototype.toString;function deepCopy(obj) {    var rv;    switch (typeof obj) {        case "object":            if (obj === null) {                // null => null                rv = null;            } else {                switch ( {                    case "[object Array]":                        // It's an array, create a new array with                        // deep copies of the entries                        rv =;                        break;                    case "[object Date]":                        // Clone the date                        rv = new Date(obj);                        break;                    case "[object RegExp]":                        // Clone the RegExp                        rv = new RegExp(obj);                        break;                    // ...probably a few others                    default:                        // Some other kind of object, deep-copy its                        // properties into a new object                        rv = Object.keys(obj).reduce(function(prev, key) {                            prev[key] = deepCopy(obj[key]);                            return prev;                        }, {});                        break;                }            }            break;        default:            // It's a primitive, copy via assignment            rv = obj;            break;    }    return rv;}var a = [1, {foo: "bar"}, ['a', 'b'], new Date()];snippet.log(JSON.stringify(a));var b = deepCopy(a);snippet.log(JSON.stringify(b));
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