Dynamic/computed keys in JMESPath? Dynamic/computed keys in JMESPath? arrays arrays

Dynamic/computed keys in JMESPath?


  • How to construct a Jmespath query that returns objects with arbitrary key-value pairs
  • The keys need to be dynamic, based on the output of a jmespath filter expression


  • As of this writing (2019-03-22), dynamic keys are not available in standard Jmespath
  • However, it is possible to return a list of lists instead of a list of objects, and simply post-process that list of lists outside of jmespath




[['foo', 43], ['bar', 55]]

Which can then be post-processed outside of Jmespath, if that is an option for you.

See also

To get this result precisely: { foo: 43, bar: 55 } , you should use this query:

@.{foo: @[0].age, bar: @[1].age}

But as you can see I don't retrieve the keys foo and bar dynamically because I can't do it in JMES Path