Echo batch file arrays using a variable for the index? Echo batch file arrays using a variable for the index? arrays arrays

Echo batch file arrays using a variable for the index?

SET x=1SET myVar[%x%]=happycall echo %%myvar[%x%]%%set myvar[%x%]for /f "tokens=2* delims==" %%v in ('set myvar[%x%]')  do @echo %%vsetlocal enableDelayedExpansionecho !myvar[%x%]!endlocal

I would recommend you to use

setlocal enableDelayedExpansionecho !myvar[%x%]!endlocal

as it is a best performing way

There is a special ! character in batch to deal with your situation. Use echo !myVar[%x%]!, from How to return an element of an array in Batch?. ! means delayed expansion. The variable myVar will not get expanded until after %x% is, yielding the expression you want.

one way you can do this is to use

call echo %%myVar[%x%]%%

call lets you put variables in places where they wouldn't normally work, if you use the double percents