Extending typed Arrays (of primitive types like Bool) in Swift 3? Extending typed Arrays (of primitive types like Bool) in Swift 3? arrays arrays

Extending typed Arrays (of primitive types like Bool) in Swift 3?

Just extend the Collection or the Sequence

extension Collection where Element == Bool {     var allTrue: Bool { return !contains(false) }}


Xcode 10 • Swift 4 or later

You can use Swift 4 or later collection method allSatisfy

let alltrue = [true, true,true, true,true, true].allSatisfy{$0}  // truelet allfalse = [false, false,false, false,false, false].allSatisfy{!$0} // true

extension Collection where Element == Bool {    var allTrue: Bool { return allSatisfy{ $0 } }    var allFalse: Bool { return allSatisfy{ !$0 } }}

Testing Playground:

[true, true, true, true, true, true].allTrue // true[false, false, false, false, false, false].allFalse // true

Apple replaced _ArrayType with _ArrayProtocol in Swift 3.0 (see Apple's Swift source code on GitHub) so you can do the same thing you did in Swift 2.2 by doing the following:

extension _ArrayProtocol where Iterator.Element == Bool {    var allTrue : Bool { return !self.contains(false) }}

As of Swift 3.1 (included in Xcode 8.3), you can now extend a type with a concrete constraint:

extension Array where Element == Bool {    var allTrue: Bool {        return !contains(false)    }}

You can also extend Collection instead of Array, but you'll need to constrain Iterator.Element, not just Element.