get meta description , title and image from url like facebook link sharing get meta description , title and image from url like facebook link sharing arrays arrays

get meta description , title and image from url like facebook link sharing

Why are you using regular expression for parsing the <meta> tags ?

PHP has an in-built function for parsing the meta information , it is called the get_meta_tags()

Illustration :

<?php$tags = get_meta_tags('');echo "<pre>";print_r($tags);


Array(    [twitter:card] => summary    [twitter:domain] =>    [og:type] => website    [og:image] =>    [og:title] => Stack Overflow    [og:description] => Q&A for professional and enthusiast programmers    [og:url] =>

As you can see the title , image and description are being parsed which you really want.

I know the question is 1.5 years old. But if you are still looking for it, you can use Its a free API to extract URL meta.

You can check a URL for http or https by

$url='';$http_check='http://';$https_check='https://';if(substr($url,0,7)!=$http_check){   $url=$http_check.$url;}else if(substr($url,0,8)!=$https_check){   $url=$https_check.$url;}else{    $url=$url}

then you can use the above answer

<?php$tags = get_meta_tags($url);echo "<pre>";print_r($tags);