Get most recent date from an array of dates Get most recent date from an array of dates arrays arrays

Get most recent date from an array of dates

Use max(), array_map(), and strtotime().

$max = max(array_map('strtotime', $arr));echo date('Y-m-j H:i:s', $max); // 2012-06-11 08:30:49

Do a loop, convert the values to date, and store the most recent, in a var.

$mostRecent= 0;foreach($dates as $date){  $curDate = strtotime($date);  if ($curDate > $mostRecent) {     $mostRecent = $curDate;  }}

something like that... you get the ideaIf you want most recent BEFORE today :

$mostRecent= 0;$now = time();foreach($dates as $date){  $curDate = strtotime($date);  if ($curDate > $mostRecent && $curDate < $now) {     $mostRecent = $curDate;  }}

Sort the array by date, and then get the front value of the array.

$dates = array(5) { /** omitted to keep code compact */ }$dates = array_combine($dates, array_map('strtotime', $dates));arsort($dates);echo $dates[0];