Getting the field "length" in a Java array using reflection Getting the field "length" in a Java array using reflection arrays arrays

Getting the field "length" in a Java array using reflection

There is an special java.lang.reflect.Array Class. length is no normal field. To access it there is a special method getLength.

I think this might be a bug in the JVM implementation. Here is my reasoning:

  1. According to the documentation for Class.getField, getField should, as part (1) of its search algorithm, find length if it was declared as a public field: "If C declares a public field with the name specified, that is the field to be reflected."

  2. According to the Java Language Specification, every array has length declared as "The public final field length, which contains the number of components of the array."

  3. Since this field is declared as having name length, getField should either throw a SecurityException as documented, or should return the Field object.

Now interestingly, the Class.getFields method explicitly mentions that "The implicit length field for array class is not reflected by this method. User code should use the methods of class Array to manipulate arrays." This does not seem to parallel getField, so this could either be a misreading on my part or just bad documentation.

Hope this helps!

In Java, arrays are just simple objects. Object don't have any field called length. That's why the reflection is failing.

Please see for more information on how arrays are implemented.

From the documentation ...

An array's length is not part of its type.