How are Kotlin Array's toList and asList different? How are Kotlin Array's toList and asList different? arrays arrays

How are Kotlin Array's toList and asList different?


The list created with asList keeps a reference to the original Array.
The list created with toList/toMutableList is backed by a copy of the original Array.



The asList function creates a list that reuses the same Array instance, which implies that changes to the original array also have impact on the List:

val arr = arrayOf(1, 2, 3)val l1 = arr.asList()arr[0] = 4println(l1) // [4, 2, 3]


This isn't the case for toList/toMutableList since the array is copied:

val arr = arrayOf(1, 2, 3)val l2 = arr.toList()arr[0] = 4println(l2) // [1, 2, 3]

The Kotlin source code can be found here.

Basically asList() still maintains a reference to the original Array. That means mutations to that list will also mutate the underlying Array.

toList() is simply copying the values of the Array into a new List, but there is no lingering link afterwards.

For most use-cases, they probably are interchangeable. asList() will likely have slightly better performance (since it isn't performing a copy) and toList() will be a "safe" copy against unexpected mutations.