how much memory does node allocate for null values in arrays how much memory does node allocate for null values in arrays arrays arrays

how much memory does node allocate for null values in arrays

So in summary, node.js does not allocate memory for undefined values in an array. The crash I experienced must have been a glitch as no one else could reproduce it and installing the latest node.js version eliminated the problem for me as well.

EDIT : Sorry for inexact, Might not be applicable to JAVA..
Still might be helpful for someone who need it in other application.

An Array of reference is allocating x

therefore allocating arr[100000] will allocate 100 kb x 4b ~= 0.5Mb (approximating)

and YES, definitely, if you ain't gonna use all the Array,
you should consider a HashMap which is a datastructure just for that..
HashMap is best in having a large search span with relative small amount of items.

Either way, there are solutions to allocate a small array, and expand it as needed, if needed.