How to declare an array inline in VB.NET How to declare an array inline in VB.NET arrays arrays

How to declare an array inline in VB.NET

Dim strings() As String = {"abc", "def", "ghi"}

There are plenty of correct answers to this already now, but here's a "teach a guy to fish" version.

First create a tiny console app in C#:

class Test{    static void Main()    {        var strings = new string[] {"abc", "def", "ghi"};    }}

Compile it, keeping debug information:

csc /debug+ Test.cs

Run Reflector on it, and open up the Main method - then decompile to VB. You end up with:

Private Shared Sub Main()    Dim strings As String() = New String() { "abc", "def", "ghi" }End Sub

So we got to the same answer, but without actually knowing VB. That won't always work, and there are plenty of other conversion tools out there, but it's a good start. Definitely worth trying as a first port of call.

In newer versions of VB.NET that support type inferring, this shorter version also works:

Dim strings = {"abc", "def", "ghi"}