How to display a readable array - Laravel How to display a readable array - Laravel arrays arrays

How to display a readable array - Laravel

dd() dumps the variable and ends the execution of the script (1), so surrounding it with <pre> tags will leave it broken. Just use good ol' var_dump() (or print_r() if you know it's an array)

Route::get('/', function(){    echo '<pre>';    var_dump(User::all());    echo '</pre>';    //exit;  <--if you want});


I think you could format down what's shown by having Laravel convert the model object to array:

Route::get('/', function(){    echo '<pre>';    $user = User::where('person_id', '=', 1);    var_dump($user->toArray()); // <---- or toJson()    echo '</pre>';    //exit;  <--if you want});

(1) For the record, this is the implementation of dd():

function dd(){    array_map(function($x) { var_dump($x); }, func_get_args()); die;}

actually a much easier way to get a readable array of what you (probably) want to see, is instead of using




use this




which is a lot nicer to debug with.

EDIT - additional, this also works nicely in your views / templatesso if you pass the get all users to your template, you can then dump it into your blade template

{{ dd($users->toArray()) }}

Maybe try kint: composer require raveren/kint "dev-master"More information: Why is my debug data unformatted?