How to display the index of an array using the vuetify data table? How to display the index of an array using the vuetify data table? arrays arrays

How to display the index of an array using the vuetify data table?

EDIT 7/30/19As @titou10 mentioned, there is no index field within Vuetify 2.0.

After looking around for a bit I was able to achieve this by utilizing the item.<name> slot. This slot will return me an item. I created an array of IDs based on the object id and called indexOf( to get the index position.

Code pen HERE.

Vuetify 1.x

Each one of your props object contains two keys: item and index. You can access the index for each item by doing props.index. Adding a new header is as easy as adding a new item to your headers array.

Here is a codepen as an example. I am changing the first column of the data-table to the index position.

Another approach that can be used is using computed properties to insert the index to each element in the data. This can be useful if you need to update the table later on as computed properties are updated automatically.

For example, say the item data is stored in items.

data() {  return {    items: [{      fruit_name: 'Banana',      calories: 30    }, {      fruit_name: 'Apples',      calories: 40    }]  }}

Here, every element to be itself plus additional attribute, i.e. index. Element addition is achieved using spread operator. All mapped elements are combined into single array using functional-programming style of map function.

computed: {  itemsWithIndex: () {    return      (items, index) => ({        ...items,        index: index + 1      }))  }}

Note: index: index+1 will make the numbering start from 1.

Then, inside headers data needed for v-data-table, you can make reference to index item data for numbering.

data() {  return {    items: {      ...    },    headers: [{        text: 'Num',        value: 'index',      },      {        text: 'Fruit Name',        value: 'fruit_name',      },      {        text: 'Calories',        value: 'calories',      }    ]  }}

Codepen example:

Super simple , Use indexOf {{items.indexOf(props)}}