How to merge all integer arrays from all records into single array in postgres How to merge all integer arrays from all records into single array in postgres arrays arrays

How to merge all integer arrays from all records into single array in postgres

You could use unnest to open up the arrays and then array_agg to put them back together:

select array_agg(c)from (  select unnest(column_name)  from table_name) as dt(c);

Define a trivial custom aggregate:

CREATE AGGREGATE array_cat_agg(anyarray) (  SFUNC=array_cat,  STYPE=anyarray);

and use it:

WITH v(a) AS ( VALUES (ARRAY[1,2,3]), (ARRAY[4,5,6,7]))SELECT array_cat_agg(a) FROM v;

If you want a particular order, put it within the aggregate call, i.e. array_cat_agg(a ORDER BY ...)

This is roughly O(n log n) for n rows (I think) O(n²) so it is unsuitable for long sets of rows. For better performance you'd need to write it in C, where you can use the more efficient (but horrible to use) C API for PostgreSQL arrays to avoid re-copying the array each iteration.

You could use lateral subquery for that:

select array_agg(u.a)from (values (array[1, 2, 3]), (array[4, 5])) t (a)    join lateral unnest(t.a) u (a) on true;