How to pass dynamic array of string to a dll library (dll and client written in d7) without ShareMem Unit? How to pass dynamic array of string to a dll library (dll and client written in d7) without ShareMem Unit? arrays arrays

How to pass dynamic array of string to a dll library (dll and client written in d7) without ShareMem Unit?

A dynamic array of strings is already an array of PWideChar/PAnsiChar (for WideString or UnicodeString/AnsiString).

This dynamic array can be directly mapped as is, with no memory copy, from most languages, as an array of PWideChar/PAnsiChar:

From caller:


From dll:

type  TPAnsiCharArray = array[0..MaxInt div SizeOf(PAnsiChar)-1] of PAnsiChar;  PPAnsiCharArray = ^TPAnsiCharArray;  TPWideCharArray = array[0..MaxInt div SizeOf(PWideChar)-1] of PWideChar;  PPWideCharArray = ^TPWideCharArray;procedure DLLFunction(argc: integer; argv: PPWideCharArray);var i: integer;begin  for i := 0 to argc-1 do    writeln(argv[i]);end;

From a C dll for instance, you can use char **argv instead of PPAnsiCharArray and void **argv instead of PPWideCharArray.

Then you can easily convert back the PWideChar/PAnsiChar into the native string type of the language.

If you need only to write a Delphi dll, you can use

type  TAnsiStringArray = array[0..MaxInt div SizeOf(AnsiString)-1] of AnsiString;  PAnsiStringArray = ^TAnsiStringArray;  TWideStringArray = array[0..MaxInt div SizeOf(WideString)-1] of WideString;  PWideStringArray = ^TWideStringArray;procedure DLLFunction(argc: integer; argv: PWideStringArray);var i: integer;begin  for i := 0 to argc-1 do    writeln(argv[i]);end;

or even

DLLFunction(templates);procedure DLLFunction(const templates: array of WideString);var i: integer;begin  for i := 0 to high(templates) do    writeln(templates[i]);end;